
Thursday, August 14, 2008


On August 12-14, we traversed the state of Virginia to see how many men we could get to wrestle on the spot. From truck stops to the beach, car washes to a county fair, we hit as many places as we could.

So how did it go? You'll have to wait and see when the STRONGHOLD documentary is done! This was one of the final shoots.

I can tell you one thing, it was a topic that turned heads, got smiles, and well, the guys at the bars loved us. Now noone can say that I didn't go above and beyond to make a good film. Let me tell you though, I am f*cking exhausted. I need to sleep. Sleeper hold anyone?

How many total strangers did we get to wrestle?
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1 comment:

Kentie said...

Can't wait to see the movie.